Welcome to Our School
The School
Brinkworth Earl Danby's School is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School. It was opened is 1992 as a result of the federation of two schools in adjacent villages - Brinkworth County Primary School and Earl Danby's School, Dauntsey. The federation of two schools means that both buildings are kept open but the original two sites run as one, with one headteacher, one governing body and one staff. The school is called Brinkworth Earl Danby's CE VC Primary School and we are a split site school. The sites are two miles apart, with both locations on spacious sites within beautiful rural North Wiltshire.
Both sites have a hard playing area and a good-sized playing field. The Reception Class has a covered play area, which allows them access to the outdoors whatever the weather.
At Upper Site, the classrooms are housed in purpose-built accommodation, which opened in 1993. The original school building has been upgraded and modernised to provide improved administration facilities and also houses the reference library and a hall, which is used for assembly, lunches and P.E.
During the summer of 2003, a multi use games area (MUGA) was constructed at the Upper Site, which enhanced facilities for PE. The MUGA is also used by the community for tennis, netball and village football out of school time.
A new purpose-built hall was completed at the Lower Site in December 2004 and officially opened in April 2005.
A new Link building, housing the Upper Site library, was added in 2005. It is also used for small group work and music lessons.
Our work on the 'Healthy School Programme' (click here to read more), has continued and we were recognised as a 'Silver' Healthy School in April 2021. We were also awarded the Silver Games Award in July 2021.
Our Lower Site buildings were refurbished in 2009 and the new outdoor area at Lower Site was completed in April 2011 and provides a wonderful extension to the learning environment for children in our Foundation and Key Stage 1 classes.
The Lower Site hall kitchen was extended in August 2015 and now provides much improved catering facilities.
The school has become popular with parents from a wide area and every child is respected, valued and encouraged to learn effectively in a variety of contexts. Members of the school community remain informed about the work of the school through regular newsletters and meetings. Parents are their children's first teachers and through working together we can achieve the best for every pupil.
The school is organised into six classes. Foundation (Reception), Year 1 and Year 2 are at the Lower Site and Year 3/Year 4, Year 4/Year 5 and Year 5/Year 6 are at the Upper Site. The Headteacher works at both sites.
A variety of teaching is used; whole class, smaller group work or individual. This is dependent upon the task, the ability of the child and the desired outcome. We consider it of utmost importance that the task challenges each child, so the more able children are given extension work while others may need extra support. The class teacher or a teaching assistant, working under the direction of the class teacher, may provide support. This may vary from subject to subject; a child who experiences little difficulty with the basic skills of literacy and numeracy may require support with practical tasks.
All classrooms are well equipped and have interactive whiteboards and classroom computers.
The hall and community facilities at Lower Site and the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) at Upper Site are regularly used by community groups and local people on a lettings basis.