Wrap Around Care
Little Foxes @ BEDS Wrap Around Care
Little Foxes @ BEDS is a new provision hosted at Lower Site for all pupils of Brinkworth Earl Danby’s CE Primary School, from Reception through to Year 6.
We are really excited to announce this new fantastic asset for our school community.
Little Foxes @ BEDS timings
Little Foxes @ BEDS morning session is open from 7.30 am, with drop-off available at Little Foxes Childcare and Education (SN15 5DX) or at Lower Site.
At the close of the morning session, pupils are handed to school staff for 8.30 am.
For the afternoon session, Upper Site pupils are transported to Lower Site and the session finishes at 6 pm. Collection for all WAC pupils is from Lower Site only, before close.
Little Foxes @ BEDS Food provision
Both morning and evening sessions include a food provision.
How does this work with school clubs?
At present, Lower Site children attending Lower Site clubs can transition across to Wrap Around Care following the club, at parent request on Wrap Around Care booking, or subsequently by email.
Who are bookings made with?
Little Foxes @ BEDS is provided by Little Foxes Childcare and Education, hosted on the school site. Parents/carers book Wrap Around Care provision with Little Foxes.
Therefore, for full details and contact information, including up to date pricing, please visit the https://littlefoxesatbeds.com website.
Little Foxes Childcare and Education also offer a holiday club, which operates through the school holidays and for Brinkworth Earl Danby's teacher training / 'inset' days.
School Ethos and Behaviour Policy
Little Foxes @ BEDS fully supports the school’s ethos, values and behaviour policy. Pupils using the Wrap Around Care service will experience a safe, welcoming and predictable environment.